
Horizontal Boring Machine


We/FTE produce horizontal boring machine or horizontal boring mill is a machine tool which bores holes in a horizontal direction. There are three main types — table, planer and floor. The table type is the most common and, as it is the most versatile, it is also known as the universal type.

We have more than twenty years of experience. During that time, we’ve become expert in boring mill manufacturing and all its related services. We work closely with all major in the world. Ongoing negotiations ensure that we always have the space we need and the ability to offer you competitive rates - even during the high season.

Facilities Specification
Horizontal Boring Machine 125/1, TABLE SIZE: 1900 X 1600 MM VERTICAL: 1800 MM
How It Works?!

Horizontal Boring Machine remains static and the boring tool is rotated. Holes are bored by using boring bars and tools. To bore a hole, the boring tool is affixed on the spindle and the cutter is adjusted on the bar in a specifically required dimension.

Why Us!

We continue to pursue that same vision in today's complex, uncertain world, working every day to earn our customers’ trust! During that time, we’ve become expert in mechanical engineering product and all its related services. We work closely with all major countries in the world.

Quality Control System

We enhance our industry operations by relieving you of the worries associated with engineering.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We are one of the Nations largest machine and its parts manufacturer and a widely recognized leader utilizing advanced technology.

Highly Professional Staff

An integrated approach to providing engineering services allows our clients to benefit from the company.

Accurate Testing Processes

We’ll work with you on your portfolio, large or small. Together we’ll fine-tune your new construction, remodeling or renovation